Zen position report

Overview of radio communication with Zen

    R: 了解度1(了解できない)−5(完全に了解できる)
    R (Readability): 1(Not understood) - 5(Fully understood)
    S: 信号強度1(ほとんど感じず)−9(甚だ強い) QSB: フェージング
    S (Strength of signal): 1(Almost none) - 9 (Very strong) QSB: Fading


8月19日 August 19
R5 S4
ライアテアの空港から300メートルくらいのところに停泊している。 飛行機の発着の時に大きなノイズが入る。

8月21日から一週間ほど20マイル程西にあるボラボラ島へクルージングに出る。 その後、サモアへ向かう。アメリカンサモアウエスタンサモアを通過、10月初めにトンガに入る。南下してトンガの首都ヌクアロファ (Nuku Alofa) に寄港、11月初めにニュージーランド向け出港、約二週間の航海で、11月中頃にニュージーランドのどこかのマリーナに入港する予定。

0800 JST
Back to Raiatea and taking a rest. Zen is mooring at about 300m away from the airport so gets big noise when airplanes depart or land. Today my friend visits here and stays a week. All other buddies (=boats) are gone to Tonga, etc. but Zen takes it easy here. Today there's neither rain nor wind since this morning. It's very unusual.

From Aug. 21, she will sail to Bora Bora, located 20miles west for a week. Next, go to Samoa, which includes both American Samoa and Western Samoa, then arrives Tonga in early October. Go south to stop by Nuku Alofa, the capital of Tonga, then leave in early November. After two weeks sailing, she plans to anchor somewhere in New Zealand in mid-November.

8月17日 August 17
Came back from Huahine to Raiatea and she is mooring.
8月15日 August 15
R5 S5 - 7



0800 JST
R5 S5-7
Zen said "At August 10, she left Raiatea to Huahine, but only the first day it was fine. After that, it was cloudy all the time. In addition, shower and squall prohibit her to sail, then she has to stay in the port. Tomorrow (Aug. 16) Zen sails back to Raiatea. I feel the weather this year is strange."

Both Zen and Sumiko look very well. Today we catch Zen after a long interval with strong receiving signal in northern Japan, however, Zen has difficulty for radio communication.

8月9日 August 9
天気: 快晴
風: E 20 KNOT
0730 JST
Weather: Clear
Wind: E 20 knot
Zen is mooring at Raiatea and waiting better weather to go east. Yuigadokuson is in Bora-bora and plans to go to Manihiki. April 4th left toSuwarrow.
8月2日 August 2
7月20日から10日くらい日本のヨット4艇 禅、エイプリルフォース、唯我独尊、ファーサが日の丸をかかげここに停泊している。それは壮観である。
0800 JST
Info via yacht "Holoholo"
Since July 20, four Japanese sailboats, Zen, April Fourth, Yuigadokuson and Fartha, are mooring at Raiatea with Japanese national flags. It's spetacular.
In the beginning of September, Zen plan to leave for Tonga.
7月12日 July 12
R4 - 5 S1
南緯 16’30
西経 151’47

ボラボラ島に3日目、天気もお空(ハム)も悪かった。 7/13早朝出港し、フアヒネを通過し7/18ライアテア島に戻り、エプリルフォース(7K4XKE)、唯我独尊(JL6XTM)とアイボールの予定。

  久しぶりの入感で以上のように伝えてきました。 クルーも元気な様子です。

0700 JST
R4-5 S1
16' 30 S
151' 47 W

The 3rd day in Bora Bora, both the weather and the sky (=ham radio condition) were bad.
In July 13, she plan to leave, pass Huahine, then go back to Raiatea at July 18 to eyeball April Fourth(7K4XKE) and Yuigadokuson(JL6XTM). Zen's radio reach to ham volunteers in Japan after a long time interval. The crew seems to be fine.

6月15日 June 15
0700 JST
Currently mooring with Yui-Ga-Doku-Son at Cook's Bay at Moorea.
6月12日 June 12
南緯 17’28
西経 149’50
天気: 晴
風: S 30-45 KNOT
気温: 26度C
湿度: 63%
1230 JST
17' 28 S
149' 50 W
Weather: Fair
Wind: S 30-45 knot
Temp: 26 C
Humidity: 63%
6月6日 June 6
南緯 17’30
西経 149’39
天気: 晴
風: W 16 KNOT
気温: 32度C
湿度: 63%
気圧: 1018hpa


0700 JST
17' 30 S
149' 39 W
Weather: Fair
Wind: W 16 knot
Temp: 32 C
Humidity: 63%
Pressure: 1018 hPa

Now Zen is sailing to Moorea. 7.4 miles left.
At 2 pm local time (9 am JST, 4 pm PDT) she is going to arrive.

6月1日 June 1
現在パペーテにいます。大きな低気圧にみまわれたけれど、アメリカ人の若い人たちが手伝ってくれて別のアンカーを打つ ことができ助かった。隣のヨットは沈んでしまった。
天気: くもり
気温: 31度C
湿度: 70%
気圧: 1009hpa
0700 JST
Now we are in Papeete. When a big storm hit Zen, young Americans helped to add another anchor then we survived. The next sailboat sank.

Weather: Cloudy
Temp: 31 C
Humidity: 70%
Pressure: 1009 hPa

5月30日 May 30


0700 JST
Staying at Papete, which is the capital of Tahiti. In June 20, we are going to Raiatea then sail around near islands. Plan to stay in Society Islands until next March.

Zen's footprint until Tahiti